Your Neighbour Kills Puppies

Your Neighbour Kills Puppies

Pre-order the must-read book on the global anti-vivisection movement. Your Neighbour Kills Puppies exposes the murky world of institutional animal exploitation, government collusion, corporate lobbyists, agent provocateurs, and police spies desperate to silence...

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Tom Talks

Tom Talks

On Saturday, July 1st 2023, Tom gave a talk at Camp Beagle's two-year anniversary about his experiences with SHAC, and the British state.  

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RIP Tortuguita

RIP Tortuguita

On Wednesday, 18th January, police in Atlanta, USA, shot and killed 26-year-old environmental activist Tortuguita who peacefully occupied an area of woodland destined to be felled and concreted over to create a brand new ‘Cop City’.  Despite police claims that they...

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Beagle Liberators Walk Free

Beagle Liberators Walk Free

Two weeks ago, three courageous campaigners rescued five puppies from a laboratory breeder and surrendered themselves to the police once the dogs were far away and safe. They wanted a trial that would put MBR Acres (the breeding facility) and the entire vivisection...

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The week everything changed…

The week everything changed…

The clink of chain link fence. The rustle of dark clothing. The quiet panting of a beagle, sensing that their life is about to change immeasurably for the better. With five dogs spirited away from the animal research industry and given a chance at freedom, this week...

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HLS’ Legacy Continues to Crumble

HLS’ Legacy Continues to Crumble

Thousands of lives to be spared as HLS' legacy continues to crack! The SHAC campaign brought Europe's largest animal testing laboratory (Huntingdon Life Sciences, HLS) to the brink of bankruptcy on numerous occasions. Though the state eradicated SHAC before a final...

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Bristol: Are the Government Gaslighting Us?

Bristol: Are the Government Gaslighting Us?

Priti Patel’s anti-protest bill was postponed following an outcry over the heavy handed response of the police in breaking up a vigil in memory of Sarah Everard, murdered by one of their colleagues. But are the government planning on rethinking their approach and watering down – or removing – the sections relating to protest, or are they simply hoping that after a while we will all forget?

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The State Abused Us, But I Couldn’t Find the Words to Speak Up

The State Abused Us, But I Couldn’t Find the Words to Speak Up

I was a teenager when a gang of men broke into my home, kicked down my bedroom door and screamed at me to drop the bed sheet I was holding up to cover my naked chest. They screamed and screamed at me to put my hands on my head until I was so frightened that one of them might shoot me if I didn’t obey, that after what felt like an eternity, I dropped the bed sheet and raised my hands above my head.

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Failed by Society, Betrayed by the System

Failed by Society, Betrayed by the System

I could write about my experiences inside HMP Holloway but I don’t feel like I ought to write about me. Instead, I want to write about a woman I met there during my sentence, someone who could not tell her own story because she could not read or write. Her name is Bridget* I have no idea where she is today and no idea if she is even still alive. We knew each other for only a few brief weeks but I will forever remember her.

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5 Times the UK Government Criminalised Protest

5 Times the UK Government Criminalised Protest

Britain prides itself on being a bastion of democracy with the intrinsic right to protest. What few realise is just how fluid the definition of ‘lawful protest’ can be. When peaceful protests threaten big business or those in power, successive British governments have brought in sweeping changes which infringe upon our rights, turning effective nonviolent protest into serious criminal offences.

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